Fourth/Heart Chakra
140,00 €
The underactive heart chakra is often connected to isolation, shyness, criticism, judgment, loneliness, depression, fear of intimacy, fear of contact, lack of empathy, narcissism
The overactive heart chakra is often associated with codependency, weak boundaries, neediness, jealousy, self-sacrificing tendencies
Imbalance is often caused by rejection and abandonment trauma, losses, shaming, criticism, divorce, death of a loved one, conditional love, sexual, physical and emotional abuse, betrayal
Physical symptoms include problems with the lungs, heart, breasts, hands, shortness of breath, circulation, asthma, tension between scoops, chest pain, low immunity
The fourth chakra, also known as the heart chakra, represents the center of love, compassion, and balance. It is the bridge in many ways because it connects us to ourselves, to our lost, traumatic parts of ourselves, and guides us to our core, our essence and it is also the bridge that connects lower (earth) chakras to higher (spiritual) chakras.
All wounds and traumas always affect our heart and that is why it is the most powerful alchemic center – love is our true spiritual nature and is the ultimate conduit of healing.
The demon of the heart chakra is sadness, the element is air, color is green.
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