First/Root Chakra


Underactive first/root chakra is connected to the feeling of disassociation from your body – not being able to feel connected to your physical body, poor physical health and immunity, all types of fear, feelings of danger and threat, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, lack of focus, financial problems, weak boundaries, feeling disorganized and scattered

Overactive first/root chakra can be connected to obesity, hoarding, being obsessed with material aspects of life, greed, laziness, fear of change, rigid boundaries

Imbalance can be due to birth trauma, physical neglect, lack of early life physical contact with the mother, undernourishment, physical and/or emotional abuse, transgenerational trauma, physical trauma/surgeries

Physical symptoms can include problems with the colon and anus, teeth, bones, feet, knees, joints, base of your spine, immune system, adrenal glands

Balanced first chakra gives us stability, safety in this world and within our bodies, trust, and presence in the here and now. It gives us the ability to connect to our bodies, Mother Earth, to accept life, our physical existence, and our place in this world. It provides us with a solid body, good physical health, and a sense of calm and ease. It also gives us a good stress response and the ability to calm ourselves even in chaos.



The first chakra is our root, our grounding, and is connected to our body and all physical aspects of life because it deals with the question of physical safety and basic survival.

The demon of the first chakra is fear, the element is earth, color is red.


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