Second/Sacral Chakra


The underactive second chakra is connected to a rigid body and mindset, frigidity, fear of sex, underdeveloped social skills, denying yourself pleasure, rigid boundaries, fear of change, lack of passion and excitement

The overactive second chakra is connected to sexual deviances, sex and pleasure addiction, overdramatized emotions (drama, hysteria…), oversensitivity, seductive manipulation, emotional codependency, obsession

The imbalance of the second chakra can be caused by sexual trauma, emotional abuse, strict behavioral rules and expectations, neglect, rejection, unrecognized child’s emotional states, emotional manipulation, religious rigidity, and physical abuse.

Physical symptoms can include problems with reproductive organs, spleen, urinary tract, menstrual issues, sexual dysfunction, impotency, fertility issues, frigidity, premature ejaculation, too low/high libido, lower back pain, loss of appetite for food, sex and life in general, kidney issues

Balanced second chakra provides us with the ability to experience pleasure on many levels, it enables us to connect to our physical senses, awakens our creativity, and fertility, and gives us the experience of joy, excitement, and spontaneity. It connects us to our own needs, emotions, sensuality/sexuality and is the center of our regenerative powers.



The second chakra is connected to your creativity, sexuality, pleasure, passion, senses, emotions, and needs. Once we ensure the safety of our physical existence, in the sense that we feel safe enough in this world and within our bodies, it is only natural to strive for pleasure and creative expression of all kinds.

The demon of the second chakra is guilt, the element is water, color is orange.


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