Third/Navel Chakra


The underactive third chakra is connected to lower energy levels in your body, lack of will, lack of assertiveness, lack of boundaries, autonomy, and identity, being easily manipulated, being gullible, lack of discipline, low self-worth, being emotionally cold and distant, digestive issues, victim mentality, being passive and/or unreliable,

The overactive third chakra is connected to aggressiveness, domination, control, need to be always right, manipulation, rage, stubbornness, ambition, arrogance, hyperactivity

Imbalance can be caused by shaming, physical/emotional abuse, unstable home and upbringing, dangerous surroundings and fear of punishment, too much responsibility (inappropriate for a certain age), inherited shame from parents

Physical symptoms can include digestive disorders, stomach issues, chronic fatigue, hypertension, liver and gallbladder problems

Balanced third chakra represents our sense of self-worth and self-esteem, healthy personal boundaries, our own inner strength, power and healthy assertiveness, autonomy, identity, and will to pursue personal goals.



The third chakra is the center of our self-esteem and self-worth, will, and inner strength.

It is located in the area of our bellies and it gives us vitality and energy for achieving our goals.

The demon of the third chakra is shame, the element is fire, color is yellow.


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